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Lake Nakuru National Park - Nakuru, Kenya

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Flamingoes in L. Nakuru National Park

"The Lake Nakuru is a superficial strong alkaline lake of about 62 km2 wide. It is close to Nakuru Town giving a picturesque landscape of surrounding woodland and grassland. The Lake Nakuru landscape has diverse areas of marsh and grasslands whereby there are rocky cliffs and outcrops, stretches of acacia woodland and rocky hillsides covered with a Euphorbia forest on the eastern area" KWS.

The Lake Nakuru National Park has variety of attractions that illuminate the great picturesque landscape. These attractions are:

(1) The birds - the beauty of the Lake is mostly by the Flamingo and other water birds around 450 various species in total.

(2)Unique vegetation - there are about 550 different plant species such as yellow acacia woodlands among others.

(3) The Waterfalls - there are waterfalls such as Makalia

(4)The Hills - There are different hills such as Enasoit, Honeymoon, Lion hill ridge etc.

A buffalo in L. Nakuru National Park.

(5) The View-points - these viewpoints are exotic and interesting. These are: Lion hill, Baboon cliff and Out of Africa.

(6) The Mammals - these include 56 different species such as white rhinos.

The clip gives the overview of Lake Nakuru National Park. For more info go to Kenya Wildlife Service


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