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The review on Original Greystoke Mahale

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This is a review on Greystoke Mahale Camp where the webmaster asserts that "Mahale is an evolutionary triumph, where the clock seems to have stopped early, at the right time. For man - part fish, part forest animal - it couldn't be more sublime".

Of course its one of the interesting places to be in since"...... there are few places left on earth that might rightfully be called Eden, and the Mahale Mountains is one of them". The place is described by the mountains soaring to 8,000 feet above the clear waters of Lake Tanganyika.This camp is located at 420 miles long and 30 miles wide along the inland sea. The camp's nearest road is almost 100kms away.

The camp lies behind the slopes of the Mahale Mountains where its the home to the world's largest known population of chimpanzees. The Chimpanzees are usually observable when going out into this deep and magical forest.

"Mahale is a physical place, but strangely undemanding. Perhaps because it seems to have been created for Great Apes; figs, flowers, sun, shade, water"...says the webmaster.

Clip on Mahale Chimpanzees


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