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When to travel to Kenya for Safari - the best seasons of all!

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Are you planning for safari in Kenya? I bet this is an interesting activity that would leave you in a lot of excitement.

The best time to be in Kenya for safari to experience the diversity in wildlife is during the annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebra and others travel through the Mara plains with predators close behind. The best season to see this is during the months of July to October. Other parks in Kenya are also excellent and the best time to visit these would be during the dry seasons that is; January through March and July through October.

The great annual migration of millions of zebra, wildebeest and other antelope in East Africa tops almost every list of safari experiences. When you plan your trip, you'll need information about the annual migration, the best times to witness this wildlife spectacle, where to stay, and when to see it in Kenya and Tanzania.

This clip shows the migration of the wildebeest.

With the lack of enough water during the dry seasons, the animals tend to gather in more high numbers around permanent water holes, rivers and lakes, so they are easier to find. The vegetation is also less lush which simply means that viewing animals from a distance is easier. For more information contact Mara

The 2nd clip shows more on Mara.


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