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Where to stay in Masai Mara - Saruni Lodge in Masai Mara!

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The Masai Mara is a treasure trove of wildlife. You can stay in Saruni Lodge and venture out into the plains of the Masai Mara.

This is one of the interesting places to lodge as you enjoy the Wildebeests. Saruni lodge is a comfortable, intimate lodge set in a private conservation area outside the Masai Mara National Reserve, the most famous game park in Africa. Established in 2003 by a group of friends who shared their passion for Africa.

This lodge accommodates around 12 guests at the main lodge and six at our nearby tented camp, Campi ya Tembo. It is located on remote valley at the heart of the most exciting wilderness of Kenya, the lodge offers a new concept of African safari: a real adventure lived in harmony with the Maasai warriors coupled with high standards of style and comfort...[more]. Enjoy the clip showing the Saruni Lodge!


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